ERC GeoViSense Project (2017-2023)
GIScience and other courses at the Masters level
Swiss National Science Fund - Doing good with VR? Virtual Reality and its impact on political decision-making (2018-2021)
Swiss National Science Fund - Emotive Project (2015-2019)
Member of the Swiss Science Council (2015-2023)
Co-Initiator and Past Co-Director of the UZH DSI (2017-2021)
Initiator and member of the DSI Mobility Community at the University of Zurich (UZH)
GIScience and other courses at the Bachelor level
UZH Calibrated Peer Review
Associate Editor
Past Vice-President of the ICA (2015-2019)
GIScience and other courses at the PhD level
Past Head of Department and Head Teaching (2014-2018)
Head of the Geographic Information and Analysis (GIVA) Group
Selected participant in a swissuniversities programme on equal opportunity
Commission Initiator and Past Commission Chair (2011-2015)
List of ongoing and past projects. Photo credit: Marc Latzel
Taiko drummer
Drummer in the band